Understanding Apocalyptic Literature: A Guide to the Book of Revelation
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The book of Revelation seems to provoke two responses; obsession or terror. For some, the book is a playground they can never leave, as they find s...
View full detailsThe A. D. 70 Theory
A review of the Max King Doctrine referred to as Realized Eschatology. This theory asserts that the second coming of Jesus occurred in A.D. 70 with...
View full detailsThe Bible Doctrine of Final Things
From the Foreword: "This book deals with a subject that will be timely literally until the end of time, until faith has become sight and the Christ...
View full detailsFrom Beneath the Altar - Revelation
A Commentary on Revelation with questions and Special Studies There have been a host of books written on the Revelation of John. They range from fa...
View full detailsPremillennialism - True or False? (HB)
The First Annual Fort Worth Lectures held in 1978 at the Brown Trail Church of Christ in Fort Worth, Texas. 31 different lectures on the subject of...
View full detailsA Study of the A.D. 70 Doctrine
Will There Be A Bodily Resurrection? A collection of articles on the A.D. 70 Doctrine. This is a very thorough study of this subject which is also ...
View full detailsThe AD 70 Doctrine - Realized Eschatology
With every generation, a movement arises that carries the banner of opposing the plain and simple teachings of Scripture that have been revealed. R...
View full detailsThe Lion & the Lamb on Planet Earth
Second Edition God's Plan for the Planet What is mankind headed for: A world-wide holocaust called Armageddon? A world dictator called the Antichr...
View full detailsNeal-Wallace Discussion
Neal-Wallace Discussion on the Thousand Year Reign of Christ Conducted in Winchester, KY January 2-6, 1933 Paperback
Immortality - Somewhere Forever
Immortality: All of Us Will Be Somewhere Forever A study of what happens after physical death of humans--where they will be and what experiences th...
View full detailsLife, Death & Beyond
Explores fears, superstitions, and false teachings about death,developing a spiritual attitude toward physical death, and how to help the bereaved ...
View full detailsHell Is Real
Hell Is Real contains 5 articles by V. E. Howard on the topic of Hell. 28 pages
Shades of Sheol: Death and Afterlife in the Old Testament
"For in death there is no remembrance of you; in Sheol who can give you praise?" (Psalm 6:5) Death is a profound and complex subject. How did the I...
View full detailsOne Minute After You Die
Someone you know is about to pass away. Will they enter delight or horror? Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for e...
View full detailsRussell - White Debate
Held at the Music Hall in Cincinnati, OH - February 23-28, 1908 Charles T. Russell affirming there is no eternal punishment after death. L.S....
View full detailsBoles-Boll Debate
Boles-Boll Debate on premillennialism Prophetic and Premillennial Themes
Handbook on Materialism
A discussion of the question, "Does man have an immortal spirit." Many today deny the Bible doctrine of everlasting punishment of the soul. This ha...
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