Truth For Today Commentary: Jeremiah 1-25
Jeremiah is portrayed by Dayton Keesee as a "warrior" for righteousness, not a "weeping willow." This study offers an in-depth look at the historical setting of the book, the prophet, his message of God's judgment and mercy, his unique style of presentation, and his intimate relationship with God. Readers today will surely benefit from Jeremiah's story of faithfulness in spite of suffering.
Dayton Keesee has spent many years studying and teaching the Book of Jeremiah. We have the fruit of his labor in this volume and the one to follow. This text covers the most devastating period in the history of Judah, culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah lays the blame on the shoulders of Judah's kings, priests, false prophets, and the people who ignored the true prophets and the law. Reading this commentary will greatly enhance your understanding of Jeremiah's work and God's Word.
The Truth for Today Commentary series is being written in an effort to complete a commentary on every book in the Bible. This series is being written by Bible professors and preachers of the churches of Christ, congregations dedicated to being the church that Jesus built.
Using the NASB 1995 updated edition, each volume provides remarks on virtually every verse, and each chapter ends with an application section Which offers suggestions for developing sermons and Bible classes.