To Your Name: A Study of the Psalms, Volume 2 - Downloadable Single User PDF
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About To Your Name: A Study of the Psalms Volume 2 To Your Name is unlike any other books pertaining to the Psalms. It takes the student on a tour of the Psalter. This is not an exhaustive study, but a comprehensive one with each lesson featuring a single psalm and focusing on the audience and message.
The lesson will help you study the psalm in question in seven different ways:
- Overview, a brief look at the psalm itself
- An insight into the use of figurative language as it is used in the psalm
- Application, a Bible lesson about someone who fits in the scope of the psalm
- Comparison, a secondary psalm to study to show the pattern of topic development throughout the Psalter
- Identification of modern-day application by case-study
- Clarification and deeper insight into a New Testament story through the study of the psalm
- Consideration of a hymn relating to the topic and how to appropriately emphasize concepts taught in the psalms
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