Proverbs: The Wisdom for Modern Man
The original goal in preparing this workbook was to approach Proverbs in a verse-by-verse study, beginning with chapter one and continuing through chapter thirty-one. But as this approach was explored, it became increasingly obvious that since Proverbs has no definite pattern, the attempt to analyze each chapter by developing one central theme was an impossible task. The pattern we finally settled upon in developing this workbook was two- fold:
(1) First, an attempt has been made in fourteen lessons to examine every verse. A general theme has been suggested around which a specific lesson could be taught as one surveys the book as a whole.
(2) Next, we developed a topical approach for the last twelve lessons. This also provides a general review of Proverbs as several scriptures related to the same topic have been collected.
Lessons From Proverbs:
- The Foundation For Real Knowledge, Introduction
- The Guarantee For Success
- A Recipe For Failure
- The Way Of Wisdom Or The Way Of Folly
- Anchors That Hold
- A Fountain Of Life Is The Fear Of The Lord
- A Merry Heart Is Like Good Medicine
- Attitudes That Bring Either Sorrow Or Success
- How To Have A Good Name
- Things That Make A Person Great
- Can You See Yourself?
- Deliver Us From The Hypocrite!
- Trust In The Lord And Be Exalted
- A Woman More Valuable Than Anything Money Can Buy
- A Man Who Obtains Favor Of The Lord
- Children, Obey Your Parents
- The Fear Of The Lord
- Righteousness Exalts A Nation
- The Tongue Has Power To Give Death
- The Tongue Has Power To Give Life
- Be Angry And Sin Not
- Pride Goes Before Destruction
- The Folly Of Laziness
- How To Handle Money
- A Good Neighbor Has Good Neighbors
- Make Your Paths Level