Old Testament Lessons Vol. 5 - Kings-Esther and 4 Prophets
Tyler's Bible Workbooks are designed to teach the Bible, not something about the Bible. Each lesson is made up of various types of questions such as, answer in few words, fill in the blanks, true or false, multiple choice, etc. All questions can be answered directly from the Holy Scriptures. There is no commentary or personal interpretation by the author.
This book covers Kings, Chronicles, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi that are parallel are grouped together to provide one clear view of history. 26 Lessons
About the Series:
Old Testament Stories by Granville W. Tyler, are designed to teach, not something about the Bible, but the Bible itself. Two volumes cover the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible; Vol. I covers Genesis and Exodus and Vol. II, Leviticus through Deuteronomy. Vol. III covers the first four books of history — Joshua through I Samuel. Vol. IV covers from David's reign to the Captivity of Israel and the beginning of the Kingdom of Judah alone. Vol. V takes us from the Kingdom of Judah Alone, through the Babylonian Captivity and the Return of Judah to Jerusalem. Scripture references are given at the beginning of each lesson from which all questions can be answered. Space follows each question for a clear and definite written answer. Words used in any standard translation of the Bible should be accepted as the proper answer to the questions. The author has tried to use direct quotations that are the same (or to insert words in parenthesis that differ) in the King James or American Standard Versions. Notice the extras questions at the end of each lesson. No reference is given for the answer to this question; it is found in the New testament. Special attention should be given it by both student and teacher.