Leaders & Followers Workbook
13-Lesson Workbook
Leaders and Followers in the Home, Church, and Business
Many leaders rule with an iron fist – they think first of themselves and little of the needs of their followers. Better is a leader who cares first and foremost about his followers and is who is willing to be a servant to them.
If that idea sounds familiar, it should. It perfectly describes Jesus Christ – a King who serves. Jesus’ disposition to serve is what led him to earth to take the form of a man and die on the cross for humankind. Paul confirms this in Philippians 2:6-7: …though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant….”
This workbook is for men, women, and teens. It draws heavily on the Word of God and is designed to show how one can be a better follower and become a servant leader like Christ. The content is based on Hennecke‘s book Leaders and Followers in the Home, Church, and Business – which makes an excellent leader’s guide.