The Human Body: Accident or Design
A thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ, King David, the Lord's illustrious ancestor, declared: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). The Hebrew poet could not have known by natural research how accurate was his statement.
There is a principle in logic called the law of teleology. Teleology has to do with design. The law, simply stated, is this: where there is design, there must be a designer. Since design demands a designer, it necessarily follows that if design is discovered in the fabric of earth's enviornment, one would have to conclude that there must be a grand Designer ultimately responsible for this circumstance.
in this book we will develop this argument at great length with one solitary peice of evidence - YOU. The hands that hold this book, the eyes that read these words, and the heart beating in your bosom demand an explanation as to their origin.