Heading for Harvest: A Fruit of the Spirit Study
Don't you just love finding succulent unblemished fruit at the grocery? We love it because it’s the best it can be. Someone had to plant, prune, and fertilize in order for us to enjoy the harvest. When sin became the norm in Galatia, Paul knew Christians would be influenced and set forth guidelines for continuing growth, developing the fruit of the Spirit. By developing our fruit, we have the ability to be the best of what God wants us to be. By pruning regularly and applying the right fertilizer, we can know more love than we’ve ever known, more joy than we’ve ever experienced, and and more peace than others can understand, just by cultivating our fruit.
Heading for Harvest is a challenging study for women of all ages.
- God's Qualities in Us ~ Fruit of the Spirit
- Disconnected from Christ ~ Works of the Flesh
- Taking Off that Old Self ~ Putting on Love
- 1 Corinthians 13 ~ Love
- Spirit Dancing ~ Joy
- Who is in Control? ~ Peace
- Stress or Serenity? ~ Patience and Longsuffering
- A Warm Heart ~ Kindness
- Love in Action ~ Goodness
- Get a Grip - A Firm One ~ Faithfulness
- Power Under Control ~ Gentleness
- Restrain Yourself! ~ Self-Control
- Soothing Fragrance ~ Practical Fruit and Living Sacrifices
13 lessons, coil binding,123 pages