God Speaks: A Sounds Primer
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).
Whether it’s a whisper or a roar, an echo or a howl, God speaks to us in myriad ways—the voice of the almighty Creator is unmistakable.
God Speaks, the latest offering in the innovative Baby Believer series, helps little ones recognize the Lord’s presence throughout Scripture and provides a primer for words describing basic sounds that children might hear. Help your little one attune to God’s voice.
Baby Believer primers are designed to grow with children, from early infancy through elementary school. In addition to basic Bible theology, Baby Believer board books are filled with quotations from the Bible, creeds, hymns, church fathers, and other articles of faith to help reinforce the content and provide intellectual handholds for older children who possess a greater capacity for learning and memorization.