Beginner Student Pages Lessons 365 - 390
How to Use Beginner Student Pages from Bible Study Guide on Vimeo.
Bible Study Guide for All Ages
Ages 3-K
With the Bible Study Guide, students cover the entire Bible in 4 years in 416 lessons, studying some Old Testament and New Testament each year. When they outgrow the Beginner level, they simply graduate to the next lesson of the next level without missing a beat! Beginner Student Pages guide young students through the lesson, giving them an interactive Bible story, review, Bible drills and a coloring page that brings the application verse into their modern lives.
The Beginner Student Pages guide the students and teacher through the entire learning experience. The target age for this curriculum is age four through Kindergarten. However, these pages are flexible enough that three year olds and even first graders can use them, any student who does not read or whose reading level is very low.
The Student Page sets include 26 one-page lessons (front and back) and are lightly glue-bound on one side so you can easily tear off each page for your students. The size of each page is 8.5” x 14” (legal size). You will need one Beginner Student Pages set per student.
Unit 4: