Ark Of The Covenant Laminated Wall Chart
The Ark of the Covenant wall chart shows the most important part of the Tabernacle and the Temple. God instructed Moses to place the Mercy Seat and the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle. It stood in the Most Holy Place (the "Holy of Holies") where God spoke to Moses. This artist's illustration is drawn from the description found in Exodus 25.
Wall chart size: 19.5" x 26".
Contributor: Sam Stein, painter
Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips are on the back of this chart. Lamination will not affect the ability to photocopy worksheets.
Topical index: Aarons rod, Ark, Ark of the Testimony, Ark timeline, atonement, blood sacrifice, day of atonement, Exodus, High Priest, holy of holies, holy place, jar of manna, lampstand, mercy seat, Mount Sinai, Most Holy Place, Old Testament worship, presence of God, shewbread, Shiloh, showbread, Solomons Temple, Tabernacle, Tent of meeting, Temple, Temple of Solomon, typology, veil, wings, worship, Yom Kippur