I'm a Christian, What's Next?
Watching your child be baptized into Christ is one of the most amazing things that a Christian parent can experience this side of eternity. Yet the wise mother or father understands that becoming a Christian is the beginning of a maturing child's Christian journey, certainly not the end.
Each new babe in Christ needs nurturing and continued teaching from God's Word. New Christians need to be impressed with their new responsibilities, blessings, and promised rewards. They need to be equipped with the proper spiritual tools to deal with temptation, and to know how to handle it when they do occasionally sin. It is often the case that parents of new Christians wonder where to start. What aspects of the Christian life need to be addressed first? What Bible stories, facts, and principles will help a young Christian get moving in the proper direction?
This book was written to answer some of those very important questions. It is designed to show new Christians God's will about how they should worship, relate to their peers and their parents, and live godly lives. When a young person becomes a Christian, those close to him or her often wonder how they can help the new convert mature in Christ.
By putting the babe in Christ in contact with the teachings in this book, a caring family member can help the new Christian respond to the question, "I'm a Christian, What's Next?"