NIV Commentary Series - Mark
College Press NIV Commentary Series is formatted with a verse-by-verse explanation of the text. It was developed for both the scholar and the average Bible student. The College Press NIV Commentary Series is the only full commentary set in print from the Restoration Movement.
What would you give up to spend just one hour with Jesus as he walked along the Judean countryside? What would you ask him as you walked along the Sea of Galilee? Believed by some to be the first Gospel account of Jesus' life, the Gospel of Mark captures all of the emotion and marvel of the Son of God! Written from the memoirs of the Apostle Peter by his self-proclaimed "spiritual son" John Mark, the Gospel of Mark tells the miraculous story of God's plan to redeem all people who will call on his name. With authority and power, Mark leads us through life-changing encounters of everyday people as they were touched and made whole by Jesus; emotionally, physically, and most importantly spiritually. Your life will be changed and your soul revived as you study the Gospel of Mark through the NIV Commentary Series.
Dr. Allen Black brings fresh and informative commentary to the Gospel of Mark. Clearly the intent of Mark's Gospel is to show two distinct views of our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The first view we receive in chapters 1-8 is that of authority. All events in these chapters culminate with the authority of Jesus as the Son of God! Jesus knew it was paramount for his disciples to believe in his authority and to trust him personally.
Mark moves quickly in chapter 9 and following to the purpose of Jesus' ministry on earth. Jesus submitted himself to death in sacrificial service, being obedient to God's plan. With his authority now established Jesus makes this statement, "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many!" (Mark 10:45).
Clearly, if we are to understand the mission, ministry, and purpose of Jesus' life, we must study and know the Gospel of Mark. Mark has 295 pages. College Press NIV Commentary Series is formatted with a verse-by-verse explanation of the text. It was developed for both the scholar and the average Bible student.
Each volume (41 volumes for the Old & New Testament) contains the following helpful features:
- Biblically sound exegesis
- Clear exposition
- Objective approach
- Concise introduction
- New International Version of the Bible
- Key word translation
- Easy to use design format
- Practical footnotes and more!