Christian Living
Behold the Pit: Christianity and Psychosocial Issues
5.0 / 5.0
4 Reviews
Knowing what to say in response to prevalent psychosocial issues can feel like an uphill battle. Behold the Pit provides helpful research and pract...
View full detailsTurning Point
You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and Don't You Forget It. Why are so many discovering a new mid-life crisis - bad health? Why are we ignoring...
View full detailsMining for God's Gold in Life's Dark Valleys
Margaret Head shares some of the wisdom she has learned over her ninety-five years to help us persevere through life's dark valleys. In her book sh...
View full detailsPsalms on Anxiety and Depression: God's Toolbox for Mental Health
A 13-lesson workbook considering how the psalms address the problems of anxiety and depression. Each lesson begins with a particular psalm and the...
View full detailsConquering Your Giants: Overcoming Your Fears with Faith
Being afraid of some things is healthy. It's good to be afraid of a snarling dog or walking too close to the edge of a high cliff. But sometimes we...
View full detailsOvercoming Fear and Worry
Do you want to stop worrying, but don't know how? Expert counselor Dr. Norm Wright provides practical advice on how to spot, face, and conquer fear...
View full detailsSeven Answers for Anxiety
What if something happens? What does it mean? What would? What could? What should? People with anxiety have lots of questions. In this book, Dr. Gr...
View full detailsFive Keys to Dealing with Depression
How many "bad days" can you have in a row before those "bad days" become something more that just feeling down? Dr. Gregory Jantz gives you practic...
View full detailsBlindsided by Life: Workbook and Journal*(op)
The original book Blindsided By Life addresses the emotions and questions behind sudden and tragic loss. To further explore these difficulties, the...
View full detailsAlcohol & Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free
Many people who have an alcohol or drug abuse problem deny it, saying they can stop any time they want. But family and close friends suspect it mig...
View full detailsSuicide Prevention: Hope When Life Seems Hopeless
Nothing is as heart-breaking as a loved one who has lost hope and is contemplating suicide. A person who seems cheerful one day can slip into despa...
View full detailsChoosing to Live: How to Defeat Suicide
Choosing to Live is the first self-help guide addressed to those who are considering suicide. In an empathetic nonjudgmental tone, the authors prov...
View full detailsPrayers From the Pit
What the Ten Prayers of Jesus Teach Us About Praying in Times of Pain Pain. We all suffer from it in various degrees and forms at one time or anoth...
View full detailsMore Inspirational Readings for the Christian Woman
Spiritual Warfare: Breaking the FAADS (Fear-Anger-Anxiety-Depression Syndrome) Did you know that a war is raging right now for your soul? God wa...
View full detailsOut of the Nightmare: Recovery from Depression and Suicidal Pain
Out of the nightmare... An all-out assault on the barriers that stand between you and recovery from depression and suicidal pain. decomposes recove...
View full detailsPlaying the Hand You're Dealt
"I can do all things through Christ which stengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 Here are poignant, inspiring, real-life stories of people who triumphe...
View full detailsSearching For Happiness?
Many rich and famous people have died in vain while searching for happiness. But the rich and famous are not the only ones with a problem in this d...
View full detailsLies Young Women Believe
Updated for a new generation! Ever since Eve, women have been swallowing Satan's lies—and so have their daughters. Best-selling authors Wolgemuth a...
View full detailsDepression: Walking from Darkness Into the Dawn
Do you feel the darkness of depression closing in on you? Can anything dispel the darkness and bring back true peace and contentment to your heart?...
View full detailsChanges That Heal
How to Understand Your Past to Ensure a Healthier Future This book focuses on four developmental tasks -- bonding to others, separating from others...
View full detailsQuick Scripture Reference for Counseling
Healing words from God's Word--right at your fingertips Everyone encounters personal problems, big and small, and Christians are not immune. From a...
View full detailsHer Little Soldier: My Journey as a Juvenile Diabetic
Her Little Soldier is the autobiographical story of Craig Dehut, who began his journey as a Type 1 Juvenile Diabetic at the age of ten. Using journ...
View full detailsDust Girl: How God Brings Beauty From Ashes
Healing From Difficult Experiences God makes beauty from ashes. Most of us have been in the ash heap of betrayal or depression, but God cleans us u...
View full detailsDishonored and Defiled
5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
How Hebrews 13:4 Explains the Degradation of America Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornic...
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