The Eternal Kingdom: A History of the Church - Paperback
A history of the church from its establishment in the first century, through the apostasy, the reformation and the restoration of New Testament Christianity in the 20th century.
Written by Mattox, a former professor of church history at Harding College and former president of Lubbock Christian College, this book addresses the need for a general history of the church to help the reader understand undenominational Christianity. A good resource for any Bible student.
358 pages, paperback.
Contents Include:
Part One: Divine Beginnings
- In the Fullness of Time
- Historical Evidence Concerning the Life of Jesus
- The New Testament Church
Part Two: Controversy and Departure
- Uninspired Writings, 100-150
- The Apologists, 185-250
- Through Persecution to Victory, 54-313
- The Development of the Canon
- Departure from the New Testament Pattern, 100-325
Part Three: The Increase in Error, 313-787 A.D.
- The Influence of Constantine
- The Growth of Episcopacy
- The Ecumenical Councils
- The Life, Worship, and Doctrine under Romanism
- Theory and Organization of Roman Catholicism
- The Rise of Mohammedanism
Part Four: The Growth of Papal Power
- Sources of Support for the Papacy
- The Strong Popes
- The Crusades
- Opposition to the Papacy
Part Five: Reformation Beginnings
- The Need for Reformation
- Early Reform Movements
- Decline of Papal Influence
Part Six: The Protestant Reformation, 1517-1800
- The German Reformation
- The Swiss Reformation
- The Spread of Reform Ideas in Europe
- Reformation in England
- Roman Reaction to Reformation
- The Religious Wars
- Denominationalism Transferred to America
Part Seven: The Restoration Movement: 19th Century
- Early Beginnings Toward Undenominationalism
- Principles of Undenominationalism
- The Restoration Fully Launched
- Union of Forces: Stone and Campbell
- The Unfinished Restoration