Church Discipline: God's Gift for a Healthier, Holier Church
The topic of church discipline has had an odd history in Christian circles. At one time, it was considered an “identifying mark of the church,” but in modern times it has fallen into disrepute and suffers general negligence. In this book Tommy South seeks to reverse that trend by offering a biblical and theological exposition of the practice of early Christian discipline and showing how it can (and ought to) be utilized by churches today.
South’s earlier work on this topic (That We May Share His Holiness: A Fresh Approach to Church Discipline [Bible Guides, 1997]) was the only book at the time which offered a close examination of all the biblical texts which teach corrective church discipline. Thoroughly re-written, expanded, and re-titled, it remains the most comprehensive study of this subject currently available.
Questions for thought and discussion included in each chapter so it can be used as a workbook.