Parallel Study Bible NIV/KJV/NASB/Amplified Hardcover
Explore the richness of God's Word by comparing the differences between four popular and respected translation- the NIV, KJV, NASB, and Amplified versions. Every translation brings to light a new perspective for you to contemplate and prayerfully consider: the authenticity and accessibility of the accurate, readable, clear New International Version; the iconic grandeur of the King James Version; the structural insights of the New American Standard Bible (1995 text); and the explanatory alternate readings of the Amplified. Bible (2015 Edition). Structured side-by-side with verses that are aligned to help you derive fresh insight into beloved passages of Scripture.
This parallel Bible allows you to compare side-by-side the rich nuances of meaning offered by the NIV/KJV/NASB/Amplified translations. Each two-page spread contains a complete Scripture portion from four popular Bible translations for easy comparison and study
- Full text of the New International Version, King James Version, New American Standard Bible (1995 text), and Amplified (2015 Edition) set side-by-side
- Double-column format
- 8-point type size