Insight: A Study of Proverbs - Downloadable PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Lesson Presentation contains slides for each of the 13 lessons. Great for sermons and classes. Frees the teacher from slide preparation allowing more time to study the material. May be stored electronically, but not distributed.
About Insight: A Study of Proverbs Solomon's instructions are to enjoy living but realize we are not to go forward without restraint or instruction. How does remembering God relate to enjoying life? Does this only mean that we have some mental image of His existence? No! It is to acknowledge Him as the One who has given us not only our physical existence but a spirit that is in need of His guidance and direction. It is to accept His word as the source of all truth. While some view the Bible as a book of obscure religious doctrine that has little relevance to their lives, the Scriptures provide everything man needs to know about life and abundant living (2 Peter 1:3). In our study of Proverbs, God communicates what He wants every person to know today - about tomorrow.
Workbook by Dennis Carrow
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