Add To Faith: A Study of the Christian Graces - Downloadable PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Lesson Presentation contains slides for each of the 13 lessons. Great for sermons and classes. Frees the teacher from slide preparation allowing more time to study the material. May be stored electronically, but not distributed.
About Add To Your Faith: A Study of the Christian Graces:
The apostle Peter warned Christians of the dangers of false teachers. Before describing these teachers and the threat they posed, he first encouraged Christians to give all diligence in becoming what God would have them to be. The first line of defense against apostasy is establishing and strengthening our own faith.
This work is an in-depth study of these instructions. It contains what many refer to as the "Christian Graces" and the blessings associated with attaining these graces. We must put forth our own effort, in some specific areas, to fulfill the purpose God has for our lives.
Add to Your Faith:
+ Virtue
+ Knowledge
+ Self-control
+ Perseverance
+ Godliness
+ Brotherly Kindness
+ Love
Practicing these qualities = You Shall Never Fall
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